Twitter, Facebook And Google Must Register As A DNC Super-Pac Lobbyist Group

Twitter exec: ‘Jail,’ ‘impeachment’ for Trump, calls social media chief ‘racist d–k.’

A senior Twitter manager who has called for jailing and impeaching President Trump and slammed the White House social media chief with four-letter slurs is raising concerns that the platform isn’t serious about policing hate posts.

Twitter Senior Engineering Manager Ian Brown’s tweets have assailed Trump, White House social media chief Dan Scavino Jr., top aide Stephen Miller, GOP lawmakers including Sen. Rand Paul, and supporters like Turning Point USA chief Charlie Kirk.

In a recent tweet he suggested that restaurant workers were tampering with Eric Trump’s food, after the president’s son said he was spit on at a Chicago eatery. “If @EricTrump is upset about getting spit on by a restaurant employee, I have some bad news about the food and drinks he’s being served,” Brown tweeted June 26.

Still not sorry I left Twitter.

“Can Somebody Impeach this Motherf*cker…?” – Twitter Exec Caught Cursing Trump, Dan Scavino and WH Advisor Stephen Miller

On Monday news broke that a senior Twitter manager who has called for jailing and impeaching President Trump and slammed the White House social media chief with four-letter slurs.

The Washington Examiner reported:

Twitter Senior Engineering Manager Ian Brown’s tweets have assailed Trump, White House social media chief Dan Scavino Jr., top aide Stephen Miller, GOP lawmakers including Sen. Rand Paul, and supporters like Turning Point USA chief Charlie Kirk.

In a recent tweet he suggested that restaurant workers were tampering with Eric Trump’s food, after the president’s son said he was spit on at a Chicago eatery. “If @EricTrump is upset about getting spit on by a restaurant employee, I have some bad news about the food and drinks he’s being served,” Brown tweeted June 26.

This was from Ian Brown’s account in April.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that the answer is…wait for it…you are a racist dick.

— Ian Brown (@igb) May 1, 2019


Trump Campaign Staffer Claims ‘TWITTER IS LYING,’ Says President Never Tweeted ‘Go Back’ To House Democrats

Matt Wolking ,Deputy Director of Communications at Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., claimed Sunday afternoon that Twitter was “lying” and that President Donald Trump had not, in fact, suggested just hours earlier that several progressive House Democrats should go back to their “crime infested” countries of origin. Trump administration critics immediately called out what appears to be a blatant attempt by a staffer to cover up Trump’s own very public, harsh words.

“Anyone who says the president told members of Congress to go back to where they came from is lying. He told them to, ‘Then come back and show us how it is done,'” Wolking tweeted Sunday, showing a screenshot of Trump’s earlier Sunday tweets.